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Discover our Comprehensive Pricing & Rebates solutions

From enhancing basic ERP functionality to real-time, multi-channel pricing and rebate execution, our extensive solutions empower businesses to transform their pricing operations and drive profitability.

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Build a powerful, centralised system for pricing & rebates

Build a powerful, centralised system for pricing & rebates

Flintfox enables you to bring all your data into a single source of truth to automate administrative processes. This allows you to build solid pricing and rebate foundations to run day-to-day operations.

Master Data icon

Master Data

Establish a single source of truth for pricing and rebate data, ensuring execution with pinpoint precision. Create unlimited attributes and hierarchies to define and group customers, products, vendors and other key attributes seamlessly.

Trade Agreements icon

Trade Agreements

Execute your pricing with suppliers and buyers through a central repository. Our flexible agreement hub eliminates the need for spreadsheets and the burden of manual price management.

Performance Pricing Engine icon

Performance Pricing Engine

Manage huge volumes of pricing data instantly with the hyper-speed pricing engine. Deliver accurate prices and rebates in real-time to any external application or device.


Manage pricing tasks with speed and accuracy

Flintfox’s application helps you with the day-to-day management of pricing, accruals, rebates, claims and deductions.

Supplier Rebates icon

Supplier Rebates

Unlock supplier rebate visibility and execute with 100% accuracy. Set vendor funding and rebate terms effortlessly. Adjust rebate timelines and calculations easily.

Customer Rebates icon

Customer Rebates

Enhance cash flow control with complete rebate visibility. Simplify setup with trade agreements. Manage diverse flat rebates, and set accrual rates and simulate scenarios effortlessly.

Pricing Simulation icon

Pricing Simulation

Model pricing scenarios in a single application to maximise margins and profitability. Simulate complex and daily pricing, to easily manage rebates and accruals.

Price Changes icon

Price Changes

Implement scale price changes within trade agreements. Set date ranges, request and receive approvals for seamless price adjustments.

Buy & Sell Side Price Changes icon

Buy & Sell Side Price Changes

Edit prices anytime and set effective dates. Changes are verified and approved before the actual change date, to improve accuracy and reduce administration. Copy and update agreements instantly, without impacting date effectivity or approval processes.

Promotions & Deal Changes icon

Promotions & Deal Changes

Update and execute promotions with a user-friendly interface. View all deals, discounts and tactics within trade agreements. Easily modify values, date ranges and price details for new promotions.


Omnichannel Pricing

Send live pricing across tech stack and sales channels, such as ERP, POS, CRM, EDI, APPS, Webshop and eCommerce. Personalise pricing by channel, location or product. Automatically adjust online pricing using information from trade agreements.

Pay & Trace Automation icon

Pay & Trace Automation

A comprehensive solution to streamline your sales trace and chargeback processes, which are designed to reduce revenue leakage.

Catalogs & Customer Price Files icon

Catalogs & Customer Price Files

Our performance pricing engine solution calculates up to 5,000 pricing lines per second, per processor. When high-volume pricing extracts or catalogs are required, dedicated processors ensure real-time order pricing performance is not impacted.

Financial Recognition icon

Financial Recognition

Identify revenue and expenses for accrued programs such as SPAs, chargebacks, billbacks, rebates and royalties. Understand the financial impact in real-time to ensure margins are always accurate.

Price management guide

Complete visibility for accurate reporting

Flintfox calculates and stores all pricing and rebating elements at the lowest underlying transaction level for true customer margin, supplier cost visibility and financial recognition.

Margin Management icon

Margin Management

View instant gross sales statistics and average margins across customers, groups or individuals. Use insights to adjust pricing for different customers. The intuitive, customisable Microsoft Power BI dashboard gives detailed access to profit and margin analysis.

Rebates & Accrual Reporting icon

Rebates & Accrual Reporting

Discover what’s been paid or claimed vs. accrued in real-time. Get full visibility from inside trade agreements, in power BI views and reports. Avoid rebates being overpaid or over claimed. Take advantage of order planning for tiered or growth rates, and manage balance sheets easily.

Indirect Pricing Visibility icon

Indirect Pricing Visibility

View all your direct and indirect pricing before selling or paying chargebacks. Understand the full dead net margin per sale. After claims are paid, use all this information to calculate and pay commissions, admin fees or other rebates based on realised indirect sales pricing.

Price Waterfalls icon

Price Waterfalls

Create your pricing strategy your way. Our tools give you ultimate flexibility and control.

Powerful pricing software supported with deep experience

Flintfox gives you flexibility with your own application, unprecedented speed and power from our pricing engine, and support from our dedicated team.

Powerful pricing software supported with deep experience

Seamless integration with your ERP

Ready to get started?

Calculate and deliver pricing, rebates, claims and deductions in real-time so you can protect margins and maximise revenue

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